May 22, 2018
Keeping up your energy is important, especially when you have a whole day of work to look forward to. You can be more productive, creative and think a lot more clearly when you have the energy to get through the day. Now, with the jet-setting lifestyles we lead, getting tired and being unable to think are a lot more common than you think. So, what can you do to keep yourself going throughout the day? Eating as much as you can? That’s definitely a bad idea. Over-eating and eating rich foods are just as bad as skipping meals. There’s plenty of great ways to keep up with a work day if you eat right and eat healthy. So, here are five great food ideas to last you an entire day. We’ve helpfully split it up between breakfast and lunch since those are the meals most often missed, or meals that you eat at the office. Forget all your junk food and ‘masaledar khaana’ and start making healthy, filling and tasty food choices!
It might not be Tiffany’s but it’s definitely better than eating Tiffin all day! Here are three great breakfast foods that should last you all day, or at least till lunch.
The Standard South-Indian: There’s nothing like a good scrumptious dosa with a nice masala filling, or a nicely made, incredibly fluffy idli accompanied by a firm vada and spicy sambar to start your day. A dosa or idli have just the right amount of nutritional value to get your day started right, with Potassium to keep you energized and, just enough carbohydrates to kickstart your day. Idlis on the other hand contain protein, enough carbohydrates to keep you till lunch and plenty of dietary fibre to keep your digestive system healthy. Pair it with a good filter coffee to really kickstart your morning!
The Classy Continental: Nothing says a good breakfast than hearing the word continental. There’s so much to choose from, and it’s not just whole English breakfasts I’m talking about either! There’s nothing like a stuffed omelette with a little whole-wheat toast and a side of fresh fruits to go with it. You can even play around with your options, like a mushroom omelette and a crispy slice or two of focaccia. You could even go with a little Indian twist with a masala omelette and a breakfast bun slathered with jam. Now what makes this such a good breakfast option? For one, you get plenty of nutrition like proteins, vitamins and plenty of fibre and secondly, you get all the energy you need to start your day from some really great-tasting food!
The Nutritious North Indian: If you’re looking for hearty, filling food to keep your energy up, all you need to do is look up North Indian food. Don’t believe me? Just think, a crisp ‘aloo paratha’ with a nice side of ‘sarson ka saag’ or even better, a paratha slathered with white butter and a side of curd. Think that’s enough energy for the day? We’d say ‘definitely’! Now, arm it with a nice soothing glass of cold lassi or a nice hot ‘chai’ and you have a good, hearty and healthy breakfast that’ll keep you energized all day long!
A really nice quote by Douglas Adams says ‘Time is an illusion, Lunchtime doubly so’. We agree whole-heartedly. When you’re neck-deep in work, the lunch break seems very transient and, vanishes as quickly as it comes. So, it’s good to have someone remind you that there’s food, and plenty of it to keep you going till it’s time to punch out of work. With that out of the way, here are two great ideas for lunch that give you the energy you need, and don’t make you long for a siesta after you’re done eating!
The Perfect Pasta: What better choice for lunch than a well-made, tasty and nutritious pasta? It’s healthy, made with a lot of fresh ingredients and, more than anything else, provides you with all the energy you need. It’s the perfect lunch food! While it might be too heavy for breakfast or dinner, lunch is the best time for pasta and, it can even be presented beautifully when you’ve invited your clients or business partners over for a working lunch! It looks even better when paired with a crisp side of garlic bread. Definitely a great food for a workspace!
The Finest Fish: If you’re looking for the perfect blend of tasty and healthy food, you might want to turn your sights to the aquatic world. I’m talking of course, about fish. Fish are tasty and, they also have more than enough nutrients to get you through a busy workday. Plus, fish are also rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Yes, the good kind that helps lower cholesterol levels. These protein and vitamin-packed little morsels are a great choice when you want to eat light and healthy, but still want the taste!
Now that we’re done with talking about eating healthy and the right kind of food, let’s Indulge a little. When evening rolls around and you’re counting the minutes till you’re done with work for the day, let your sweet tooth out to play! Get yourself a moist, gooey and more importantly, a chocolate-rich brownie or, a frosted cupcake to tide you over till later. Plus, desserts make the heart grow fonder, especially if you share with your colleagues! So, never-mind the sugar addiction, treat yourself to something sweet! Bonus: Your coworkers will definitely like you better!
Join us at the InnerChef Experience @iKeva
on 11th February at iKeva Bangalore
on 18th February at iKeva Chennai