Apr 12, 2016
Content marketing is an art – said nobody ever.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it – said every marketer ever.
iKeva in partnership with Startup Hyderabad brings to you a power packed session on content marketing where discussions range on strategies and hacks specifically for startups. The speakers will share their lessons around setting up a content team, various types of content, content marketing strategies, measuring ROI, content creation and analytics tools.
The stellar line up of speakers includes
1. Content marketing ninja Nischala Agnihotri
2. Snigdha – Senior community manager at Fashion Lady
3. Enoch James – Founder at The Smarketers
4. P.S Niranjan – CEO & Founder at 8Views Digital
Catch with the content marketing success stories in Hyderabad and learn content marketing hacks that meet your budget.