Jul 30, 2019
‘Curled in a fetal position on a bare mattress, in an unfurnished home’ – this was the way Steve Jobs’ friends found him, when he was fired from Apple in 1985.
Success stories are not always weaved with golden threads. Time and again, dark and sinister patches blot the image from becoming a perfect one. But the beauty of every success story lies in making the imperfect, a perfect picture. The sheer grit and determination with which failure is turned into success is simply admirable. So when Steve Jobs recollected the incident of him being thrown out of his own company, he said “I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”
Entrepreneurs are harbingers of change. For, every life they touch, they enhance it for the better. The immense impact they have on human lives, creates numerous opportunities. Who could have imagined 25 years ago, that a store could virtually sell anything, anyone wanted! Today Amazon is a household name, known for its quality of service and commitment. What these new businesses have done is disrupted the way we think today; disrupted the horizon of our knowledge.
Innovation has seen generations take giant leaps that have transformed the business scenario. Thought leaders have insinuated mankind to move out of the mundane and try the ‘new’. It’s when ideas meet ‘will force’, dreams are turned into realities. The history is dotted with instances where dedication and courage witnessed aspirations taking shape.
The Small–Big Story
People often say, ‘if you aim for the sky, you’ll reach the tree top’. But there are many, who just started with the aim of climbing each branch at a time. The classic example of this is the great Indian IT stalwart Narayan Murthy. With a meagre amount but a courageous heart, he established one of India’s IT giant, Infosys. What once started in a humble home, is today a globally recognized organization for its innovation and service. Thought leaders like him, believed in a modest beginning, and climbed the ladder of success with time and experience.
A Few Too Many
When it comes to ideas and innovations, its quality rather than quantity that matters the most. How a simple idea of a student idling at the dorm room can take the social networking world by a storm, is a story well-known to all of us. Today Facebook is a household name, popular amongst youngsters and veterans equally. People are hooked on to it, across the world. What Mark Zuckerberg had at that time was his idea and a laptop and that was enough for him to create history!
Embarking on its journey on paltry resources, today Facebook has millions of users across the world and employs several thousands of people. How a single idea has the power to bring masses across one roof, the success of Facebook is a live example of it.
Passing the Baton
The true mark of a great entrepreneur is his ability to pass on the baton of success to the correct hands at the correct time. No single shoulder can bear the responsibility of running the show solo, for a long time. As a business grows, demands diversify and hence the need to bring in helping hands is generated. Microsoft was his brain child and the best thing that happened to him; but the philanthropist and leader that he is, Bill Gates abdicated the throne to usher in Satya Nadella as the next CEO of the organization.
Leaders of such stature, bring in the cult of trust and leadership building. A visionary, Gates entrusted the next generation with the future of the company to help create thinkers and leaders.
The Lean Strategy
To be able to convert chaos into constructive ideas is perhaps the biggest trait of a great leader. Every start-up begins with an idea of a product/service that seems to be in demand and has the potential to change human lives. However, only few survive in the course of time. What differentiates the winners from the losers is the approach. Great entrepreneurs keep their goals clean and their process lean. A lean process enables a start-up to steer through the right path, making the right decisions at the right time.
Steve Jobs was known for his understanding of the market and consumer behavior. Probably the most enigmatic entrepreneur of his time, he had a keen eye for perfection and was lauded for his ability to turn every failure into opportunity. He steered the organization with a clear vision and ensured that every employee is in-sync with his vision, thus working as a unified team. Today, Apple is known for its continued innovation over the years and this has been possible because of its clear goals and focused approach.
Entrepreneurs of all ages are known for their ability to adapt to changes and customize when necessary. They are known for their forward thinking and visionary skills. You could be an entrepreneur by gene or by practice. Qualities of an entrepreneur could differ in degree among different entrepreneurs. But what makes them different is because of one rare golden gene and that is they believe in their Self. Their passion and faith in their own Self is what makes them the centre of their universe!
To sum it up in the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory.”