Sep 12, 2018
It may have seemed like any other Saturday but, there was a milestone that got earmarked and celebration around woman entrepreneurship. Saturday, the 12th of March, was a day with plenty of success to talk about, tons of inspiration for those seeking it, and the knowledge that, ‘Yes, I can be an entrepreneur too’.
Headstart, India’s largest grassroots level organization supporting entrepreneurship and start-ups, in partnership with iKeva held an event on the ‘rise of women entrepreneurship’ at iKeva Hitec City – with panel discussions, talks by accomplished women entrepreneurs and more.
With the likes of Saritha Singh, of Inspire Infosol, Shravya Reddy of GETM, Karuna Gopal of Futuristic Cities, Ranjana Naik of Swan Suites, the doors were thrown open at iKeva, Hitech City to shed light on women entrepreneurs.
Speaking to a hall packed with want-to-be entrepreneurs and new start-up owners, these inspiring figures shared their experiences, their insights and their path to success as women in entrepreneurship, proving that women can, and have made their mark on entrepreneurship.
The discussion panel with Ranjana Naik, Vinita Surana and Dr. Radhika Shankar answered a lot of the questions the attendees had, on the nature of the start-up scene, challenges to setting up businesses and more.
It’s a whole new world now, and traditionally defined roles for women have fallen to the wayside, opening up new paths, new evolutions for them to make a mark on the world. Strong and dynamic are two words we hear constantly when talking about women in entrepreneurship, with notable examples like Anu Acharya, the founder of MapMyGenome and so many more taking centre stage.
This is Startup Saturday, a regular event for entrepreneurs, covering everything you need to know about being an entrepreneur.
Register for the nest Startup Saturday here:
The upcoming Startup Saturday is around Marketing and PR for early stage entrepreneurs.